Breast Augmentation Surger: What Is It, What Are the Applications and Procedures, Frequently Asked Questions

Breast augmentation surgery, also called augmentation plasty, is a surgical procedure to increase the volume of the breasts. In these applications, breast implants are placed under the breast tissue or chest muscles.

For What Purposes Is Breast Augmentation Surgery Performed?

There mat be various reasons for having breast augmentation surgery. Having small breast or having one breast smaller than the other can cause self-confidence problems. If this situation bothers person, it would be beneficial to apply to the Plastic Surgery Department and be examined. Besides, breast augmentation surgery can be performed after breast cancer surgery.

1.How is Breast Augmentation Operation Performed?

To be placed the breast implant, your surgeon may make a single incision in one of three possible sites: in the crease under your breast, under your arm or around your nipple. After the incision is made, the surgeon will separate your breast tissue from the muscles and connective tissue of your chest. It leads an proper area behind or in front of the outermost muscle of the chest wall (pectoral muscle). The surgeon will place the implant there and center it behind the nipple.

Saline implants are placed empty and then filled with sterile saline after placement. Silicone implants are pre-filled with silicone gel. After the implant is placed, the surgeon will close this incision with sutures and bandage it with skin closure and surgical tape. Choosing the incision site is important to minimize scar formation.

Pain and swelling may occur several weeks after surgery. Bruising may be observed. Scars fade over time, but may not completely disappear. While healing, it is necessary to wear a compression bandage or sports bra to provide extra support to the breast implants and maintain their positioning. Your surgeon will recommend the bra needed. Pain control can be easily controlled with painkillers prescribed by our physician.

Breast augmentation can change the size and shape of your breasts. Surgery can change the image of your body and increase your self-confidence. Weight gain or loss after surgery can also change the appearance of your breasts. If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your breasts, further surgery may be needed to correct these problems.